Venue | Start Date | End Date | Net Fees | Details & Registration |
Course Description
Protection of Electrical Power Systems requires an understanding of system faults and their detection, as well as their safe disconnection from the power system. This course presents a comprehensive and systematic description of the concepts and principles of operation and application of protection schemes for power generators. The course begins with an overview of power system faults and the protection scheme requirements for the detection and coordinated clearance of these faults. This course deals with protection systems from a practical perspective, and includes important functional aspects such as testing and coordination of protection systems. It is specially designed for industries and utilities, which depend on proper system protection for operational efficiency and minimizing damage to equipment.
The 5 days course is designed to provide excellent understanding on both a theoretical and practical level to attendees. The workshop starts at a basic level, to ease the engineer and technician into the perhaps forgotten art of studying, and provide a refresher to those who are more familiar with the basic topics covered. The workshop then moves onto more detailed applications. The workshop features an introduction covering the need for protection, fault types and their effects, simple calculations of short circuit currents and Generator neutral grounding configurations. The workshop also includes some Simulation work using ETAP power station for simple fault calculations, & recommended relay settings for generators as per recommended practice and based on setting rules.
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to provide in-depth discussions of the major electrical protection schemes associated with synchronous generators. The principles and criteria presented are applicable to both large and small machines. The discussions include analysis of the damage and damaging mechanisms relating to each protective function. An understanding of these parameters is important not only for the application of protection but also when operability issues arise during or after abnormal operating events.
Recommended settings applied to any protective device represent a balance between adequate sensitivity to detect a damaging condition and the security required to prevent false tripping during events that do not threaten the protected equipment. The importance of this balance at generation facilities is highlighted by the intense scrutiny given these protection schemes in the wake of large-scale system outages.
Course Outline
Generator Short Circuit Calculations
Generator Differential Relay (87G)
Backup Fault Protection
Generator Ground Fault Protection
Unbalanced Current Protection
Motoring Protection
Abnormal Frequency Protection
Minimum Excitation Limiter (MEL)
Loss of Synchronism
Loss of Field (LOF) Protection
Protection Elements & Main Settings Criteria
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