Venue | Start Date | End Date | Net Fees | Details & Registration |
Course Description
This course is designed to benefit you with practical up-to-date information on the application of PLC’s and SCADA to the automation and process control of plants and factories. It is suitable for people who have little or no exposure to PLC and SCADA but expect to become involved in so m e or all aspects of PLC installation and SCADA Programming. It aims to give practical advice fro m experts in the field, to assist you to correctly plan, program m and install a PLC with a shorter learning curve and m ore confidence.
Course Objective
PLC/SCADA systems are still both widely misunderstood and widely misapplied. This course, Fundamentals of PLC and SCADA Systems, is designed to provide engineers and technicians with the basic theoretical and practical understanding of PLC and SCADA systems and how this can be applied to optimize their systems in terms of safety, flexibility and costs.
Course Outline
Basic components of PLC
PLC programming
Installation Practices
Code quality and maintenance
Advanced programming
Analog control
Fault tolerance
Serial Data Communications
Safety related systems
Upgrading Strategies
Simulation and testing
Problem Isolation and Testing
SCADA Hardware
SCADA Software
@2024 London Business Training Academy