Course Description
Few topics generate as much controversy and argument as that of grounding and the associated topics of surge protection, shielding and lightning Protection of electrical and electronic systems.
Poor grounding practice can be the cause of continual and intermittent difficult-to-diagnose problems in a facility. This course looks at these issues from a fresh yet practical perspective and enables you to reduce expensive downtime on your plant and equipment to a minimum by correct application of these principles.
This course is designed to demystify the subject of grounding and presents the subject in a clear, straightforward manner. Installation, testing and inspection procedures for industrial and commercial power systems will be examined in detail. Essentially this workshop is broken down into grounding, shielding and surge protection for both power and electronics systems. Grounding and surge protection for telecommunications and IT systems are examined in detail. Finally, the impact of lightning is examined and simple techniques for minimizing its impact are described.
Course Objective
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
Course Outline
@2025 London Business Training Academy